Computer noise in headphones
Computer noise in headphones

computer noise in headphones

The speaker phone might be causing unwanted feedback. If you are using speaker phone, try switching to regular mode or using headphones instead. Try dialing in again to see if the connection is better. An unknown issue might have occurred when you connected to the audio conference.

  • Make sure you have Phone mode selected in GoToMeeting If you dialed in with your telephone but GoToMeeting thinks you are using Computer mode, then it is probably picking up your audio from both sources! See Connect to Audio using your Telephone to learn how to select Phone mode.
  • If you weren't able to resolve your feedback issues, then mute yourself when you aren't speaking to avoid having the unwanted noise disrupt the session.

    computer noise in headphones

  • Mute your microphone when you aren't speaking.
  • If you cannot move away from these sources of noise, then mute yourself when you aren't speaking.

    computer noise in headphones

    There could be something in your environment that is causing the unwanted noise, such as a fan blowing directly into your microphone or other voices if you are in a public area.

  • Check for sources of background noise.
  • The built-in speakers on your computer might be playing back the sound that your built-in mic is picking up, which could cause an echo.
  • Lower the volume of your built-in speakers.
  • Also be sure to move any hand-held electronic devices (such as an iPhone) away from your mic and speakers as this can cause feedback. If you are using a standalone microphone (i.e., not the built-in one on your computer or a headset), try moving it further away from your mouth.
  • Move the microphone (if using a standalone one).
  • If possible, try using a different USB port. Try unplugging your headset or standalone microphone from the computer or device and then replugging it back in. We recommend using a USB headset plugged into your computer or headphones with a mic included plugged into your mobile device. Built-in microphones on your computer or webcam can pick up other noise and cause an echo. See Connect to Audio using the Internet (Mic and Speakers) to learn how to select Computer mode. If you want to connect with your computer mic and speakers, then you need to make sure GoToMeeting is set to the right mode.
  • Make sure you have Computer mode selected in GoToMeeting.

  • Computer noise in headphones